Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hello, everyoneee! Guess who? 8D
Well i won't tell you just yet who I am. But you're welcomed to take a guess. I am loud, NOT noisy. Haha. 

By the way, it's November already! And school will end in no time. hm. I know you're excited bout that but anyone noticed how fast time hops? Anyone missed CU already? I hope someone does. Haha. How was your 2010 with us? Well, I hope and pray that CU has made an impact in your life. More than anything, i hope you've enjoyed your time during our meetings and felt at home in school. :)

So, here's to an even greater 2011! Hopefully we'll grow not only in numbers but in strength. So come(even to just chill!), talk to us, make yourselves at home and don't forget to bring your friends! Hope to see you all soon! And, don't forget to keep that fire burning for Jesus :D

God bless, all!

Lots of love,
Lilian, your CU president of 2011
ps/ come see me anytime if you need me.