Saturday, July 17, 2010

My God is a DJ !

Some trust in chariots, and others in horses, but we trust the LORD our God. Psalm 20:7 NLT
                   Jesus can be all things to all people. He has time and time again through the Gospels and through every day life shown that He is still relevant today. There is this guy, Aaron. Aaron was walking through a Christian book store when he noticed different paintings showing Jesus doing everyday jobs in today’s settings. They looked amazing and displayed how to show the image of Christ in each work environment. He had to laugh when he pictured Jesus doing what he have done the past several years, being a DJ.

                  Let's just imagine Jesus up in the booth behind his turntables with spiked hair, cool shades and a robe. Would that be a sight or what! You could be curious about what He would do to interact. What if a young man requested to have latest Paramore song, Who knows what will happen?

                 Aaron took a few minutes and tried to visualize the different aspects of what he do at work and how Jesus would deal with them. he know one of the most annoying aspects of his job is when people request a song that he know will not fit the set that his is currently in. Aaron tell them that he will play it and after every song they continue to come up to me asking why it is taking so long. What they don’t understand is that soon as the time is right and the moment hits, he will play their song in the perfect spot. Not a moment too soon, but not a moment too late either.

                Aaron then stopped in his tracks as he realized how God works in our lives already. How often do we have a request and get so impatient when it takes longer than expected? When you want an answer now, a miracle immediately, and the seas don’t part at the very moment you ask for them to. God knows how to read His crowd. He knows when and how everything works, after all didn’t He create our setlist? When the time is right, He’ll play your song.